January 2, 2024

Why I wrote “The Making of a Dragonfly”

The Making of a Dragonfly

I wrote this book with the purpose of speaking life and hope into those struggling with grief, loss, insignificance, betrayal, and rejection. The book is a journey into discovering God as intimate Father who loves, leads, provides, and guides His child.

In this book, I share the spiritual symbolism of a dragonfly (to reflect the light from the sun) whose life goal becomes to reflect the light of the Son (Christ) so others will be drawn to Him. In the process of being made a reflection of Christ, my life headed into a storm of destruction where my very foundation crumbled. In this story, I shares how leaning into God brought me through the demise of my 25-year marriage into a place of joy and purpose. God alone was my guide and counselor through the heartbreak and brokenness. To invite others to speak into my pain only brought about confusion and worldly opinions. God alone would walk me through this storm.

The book is not “just” a self-help book about surviving marital conflict, betrayal, and midlife crisis. It also includes help for those who desire to draw nearer to God by learning to recognize His voice. It includes help for those struggling with significance and purpose, and it provides direction in applying scripture. For those seeking to draw near to God, the book contains powerful stories and teachings that are timeless.


Mary’s Story

In my long season of emotional, mental and physical brokenness, words from scripture were the fuel that kept me moving forward. In my book, “The Making of a Dragonfly,” I share how God drew me to Himself by giving me dragonfly sightings. He also placed people in my life to teach me to recognize God’s promptings. I share about the marriage and breakup with “forever husband,” and how God directed me through the pain and grief. The book includes help for those who question their significance. It is also for those who struggle with negative thoughts. Included are resources for learning more about midlife crisis.

I encourage you; there is light in the midst of darkness. Jesus is our light. When the darkness ends, we can find ourselves in a spacious place of freedom, healing, and wholeness. How? By walking through our storm holding the hand of God and obeying His promptings.




Mary Ethel Eckard is an author, speaker and teacher called to encourage Christians in their faith journey. She is passionate about sharing Christ with all who will listen. Through her captivating testimony of relying on God's strength and guidance through the heights and depths of life, Mary helps others find freedom from the shame and pain of their past. Mary resides in Frisco, Texas and enjoys spending time with family and friends.

©2024MaryEthelEckard | Crafted in ❤ by Anna Taylor