Category: Loving Others

Life with Others

If it were not for relationships, where would we be! We are born into a family, we make our way into new families, either through friendships, marriage, adoption, co-workers, church connections. And with every person we meet, we have to figure out how to relate, accept, and encourage one another. Some relationships are for our lifetime and some are temporary. Some are easy and others require a lot of work.

Relationships Stretch and Grow Us

My pastor used to say relationships are like sandpaper. If we stay with people long enough, we help one another smooth away the rough edges. Sometimes, God puts people in our lives to bring us through rough times. Other times, He orchestrates pathways so we meet the love of our lives.  And always, as we grow and move through life, we face the grief of losing someone we love. Maybe more than one someone.

Encouragement in Love

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

Jesus said we are to “love one another.”

As we grow and mature, our understanding and display of love grows and matures. Scripture says, “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became mature, I put childish ways behind me.” Let us strive to leave our childish ways behind us, to work through our trigger points, to lay aside the drama, and to love one another with the best of our ability.Mom and her four kids




Stories about doing life with others; family, friends, coworkers, strangers, etc. the blessings and struggles of being in relationship.

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    Blessed is the Mom who Clings  “Her children arise and call her blessed.” Proverbs 31:28 Parents hold the awesome responsibility of training their children in many areas, including spiritual truths. What is the spiritual role that brings our children to call us blessed? Where do our

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    Sitting on the Atlantic shoreline with my friend, our conversation turned to the joys and challenges of godly parenting. She stated, “My goal in parenting is to be the kind of parent to my children that God is to me”.  She paused. I don’t know whether the pause was

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    Helping hands. We all need them. Especially when we face unexpected circumstances. One of the greatest challenges of being a traveling single woman is the ongoing threat of car trouble. After a recent book signing, I loaded the car in preparation for the return trip home. Packed and

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    Obedience is tricky. Sometimes we like rules and boundaries; other times we rebel against being told what to do. I’m a leader and I’m a follower. I take my following cues from what I see others doing more than what I hear them say. If I am told to do one thing yet my

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    Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always

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    Parenting. A wide-open plain of questions, trial and error, guilt, confusion and prayer. To help bring comfort, I accepted an invitation to be part of a four-member MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) panel. At this event, young moms could ask questions relating to motherhood, marriage,

©2024MaryEthelEckard | Crafted in ❤ by Anna Taylor