Category: Books

Mary Ethel Eckard has written  two great books and  she has blogged since 2001 when Dragonfly Ministries was founded. As she stepped into speaking and teaching roles, she began writing Bible studies to share with small groups.

Book One

Over the years, Mary has written and shared stories of God’s presence and healing work in her life to overcome sins, hurts, and betrayals from the past. In 2018, she published her first book, “The Making of a Dragonfly, Following Christ Through the Winds of Change.”

In this book, she tells her story of how her decisions, and decisions of others, brought her to a place of brokenness – a place within the depth of her soul that only God could touch and heal. The book won the Next Generation Indie Award for best non-fiction book in 2019. What an accomplishment for a first-time writer.

Book Two

In 2019, Mary published her second book, “Lessons of a Dragonfly, Forty Days to a Transformed Life.” In this book, she shares stories of how God brought healing, understanding, wisdom and destiny during her years of restoration. This book received The Christian Literary Award in 2019 for best devotional.

Ongoing Projects

Mary says, “I write everyday. As the Lord lays things on my heart, I read, research, pray, study, and noodle the thoughts. Sometimes my writing is in my journal and will never be shared with anyone. Other times, I’m writing blogs or sharing my heart on FB posts to bring encouragement to others.”

Stay tuned. More to come!

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    My book, “Lessons of a Dragonfly, Forty Days to a Transformed Life,” now available on Amazon. This forty-day journey of prayer and daily readings are accompanied by scripture for further study, thought-provoking questions and prayers. In this post, I share the Introductory

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    Book Tour and Launch After publishing “The Making of a Dragonfly”, I spent three months traveling and promoting the book, making stops in Illinois, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Texas, and California. With the second book, “Lessons of a

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