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    My book, “Lessons of a Dragonfly, Forty Days to a Transformed Life,” now available on Amazon. This forty-day journey of prayer and daily readings are accompanied by scripture for further study, thought-provoking questions and prayers. In this post, I share the Introductory

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    Blessed is the Mom who Clings  “Her children arise and call her blessed.” Proverbs 31:28 Parents hold the awesome responsibility of training their children in many areas, including spiritual truths. What is the spiritual role that brings our children to call us blessed? Where do our

  • My prayer life hadn’t changed since I was a child; neither had my Christian journey.  How could I work on drawing near to God? The first time I earnestly approached God in prayer, I felt foolish, vulnerable and dependent.  Rather than running away, I pressed in because I needed

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    Click Here for 40 Days of Prayer Why Forty days of prayer? In the Bible, forty is a number for spiritual preparation. Moses spent forty days with God on Mt. Sinai while receiving the ten commandments (Exodus 34:28). These commandments were to teach the Israelites how to walk with God,

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    The Invitation I was asked to speak at a women’s conference in Dallas, Texas. I happily accepted the invitation, knowing the Lord would give me the words to speak, the scripture to reference, and His heart for the women. As I sought the Lord about what to say, He gave me nothing

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    The Seed of Worship Patty was a co-worker who introduced me to the “real” Jesus.  She planted within me a seed of desire to know God like she knew Him. I was fertile ground, and perhaps God used me to teach her how to farm. One weekend, she invited me to go to Arkansas to a women’s

  • Peter and Me. We are connected in many ways. Because I am prone to stumble and fall in my Christian journey, I am continually drawn to scripture to read about the waywardness and sinfulness of man. Even those after “God’s own heart” had their selfish moments. My heart resonates with

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    A Personal Story My friend Mette has the gifting of prophecy and preaching. When she speaks truth or reads scripture, it’s like God has placed a megaphone in her vocal chords. In other words, His power flows through her with authority and volume when she is His mouthpiece. One day at

  • As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart. Proverbs 27:19 I’ve been thinking a lot about grace; a five-letter word that reaches to the depths of the earth and the heights of the heavens. It’s readily available, yet we have trouble grasping it. How can we be the

©2024MaryEthelEckard | Crafted in ❤ by Anna Taylor