In John 21, Jesus asked Simon Peter, “Do you love me?” This story began in Luke 5:1-11 when Jesus called Simon (later named Peter) to be a fisher of men. At that moment, Simon left everything and followed Jesus. This great adventure lasted for about three years. It was a time of
Category: Christian
Getting it Right
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My web designer, Anna, tells me we get better coverage if we have green-light SEO’s. So, I’ll give you a few words about what it means to be a Christian, through my lens.
Follow Me
When Jesus called His disciples, He did so with two words, “Follow Me.” In some places in the Bible, He said, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” He was, of course, talking to men who made their living fishing.
When I gave my heart to Christ, I did so wholeheartedly to follow Him. In my 20s, I crawled away from Him, wanting to find my own way apart from what I knew was right. I say “crawled” because it was a slow move. I allowed thoughts to enter my mind that needed to be captured and chained. Following those thoughts took my lifestyle away from God for a few years.
Obedience and Blessing
Life is empty and miserable apart from God. There’s a pit of loneliness and emptiness that nothing and no one can fill. It’s the place within our depth that can only be satisfied by having a relationship with God. Then, I found my way back to Him, and began to understand what true joy and completeness look and feel like.
He restored me and brought me to a place of purpose, filling that inner loneliness when it crawls up to haunt me. He is my everything.
What does being a Christian mean to me? It means I never walk alone, I have a leader who always speaks truth and wisdom, and it means I have eternal life with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit!
Let’s be real. The thought of setting aside a quiet time to spend with the Lord can be a bit intimidating and often leaves us feeling guilty because we know we should do it, but we just don’t want to make the time. Or we don’t find the time. My hand is raised. Guilty. But without
When the Lord first called me into leadership, I echoed Moses, “Who Me? I can’t speak to your people. I’m not a leader.” (Exodus 3:11, 4:10). I questioned my calling and was confident the Lord had me all wrong. But just as He replied to Moses, His word also spoke to me, “I will help
My book, “Lessons of a Dragonfly, Forty Days to a Transformed Life,” now available on Amazon. This forty-day journey of prayer and daily readings are accompanied by scripture for further study, thought-provoking questions and prayers. In this post, I share the Introductory
Blessed is the Mom who Clings “Her children arise and call her blessed.” Proverbs 31:28 Parents hold the awesome responsibility of training their children in many areas, including spiritual truths. What is the spiritual role that brings our children to call us blessed? Where do our
My prayer life hadn’t changed since I was a child; neither had my Christian journey. How could I work on drawing near to God? The first time I earnestly approached God in prayer, I felt foolish, vulnerable and dependent. Rather than running away, I pressed in because I needed
The Making of a Dragonfly I wrote this book with the purpose of speaking life and hope into those struggling with grief, loss, insignificance, betrayal, and rejection. The book is a journey into discovering God as intimate Father who loves, leads, provides, and guides His child. In
Click Here for 40 Days of Prayer Why Forty days of prayer? In the Bible, forty is a number for spiritual preparation. Moses spent forty days with God on Mt. Sinai while receiving the ten commandments (Exodus 34:28). These commandments were to teach the Israelites how to walk with God,
The Invitation I was asked to speak at a women’s conference in Dallas, Texas. I happily accepted the invitation, knowing the Lord would give me the words to speak, the scripture to reference, and His heart for the women. As I sought the Lord about what to say, He gave me nothing
Lost Memories Life brings joy and life brings hard seasons. Everyone will have a fair share of each. Throughout life, there have been moments, days, even months and years where I lived in a fog, going through the motions. During those times, my mind failed to register memories. What I