September 15, 2023

Watchman Wisdom

A Personal Story

My friend Mette has the gifting of prophecy and preaching. When she speaks truth or reads scripture, it’s like God has placed a megaphone in her vocal chords. In other words, His power flows through her with authority and volume when she is His mouthpiece. One day at lunch, we were in conversation and she began to prophesy about the things of God. Her voice grew louder and gained authority as she spoke. I knew everyone in the cafeteria could hear her words, but they were words of truth, so I ignored the stares of others and paid close attention to what she was saying.

As she spoke, the supernatural anointing was working, and God used Mette to teach me a valuable lesson. I could see Mette’s lips moving, I could hear her voice, but the words pouring into my ears were NOT the words coming from Mette’s mouth. After a few minutes, I started laughing. Mette, thinking I was laughing at her, paused and questioned me about my outburst. “Mette, I know the Lord is speaking through you. But the words coming from your lips are not the words I am hearing. I believe God is showing me that, when we surrender our voice to Him and speak as He directs, He can transform and translate the words so each person hears exactly what they need to hear.”

On the Wall

I will never forget that lesson. I have great comfort knowing, when God gives me a word to speak, He will deliver it to the hearts and ears of those who need to hear it. And He will translate my words so they are received in His wisdom and with His purpose. (The thought does occur to wonder what the people on their lunch hour heard as we sat in the café, with the megaphone preacher, worshipping God.)

I am not a prophet nor am I a preacher, though I’ve been called both and not always in a ‘nice’ way. I am a watchman on the wall of God’s kingdom; an intercessory prayer warrior. As an intercessory watchman, God directs my prayer life; most often that direction comes through the voice of the apostles and prophets. Occasionally the Lord gives me a word of revelation to share with other watchmen, so we are all praying in the same accord. The words burn within me until I speak them as the Lord leads. And always, the truth God reveals to me align with the truths He reveals to other watchmen, prophets and apostles. It is with humility and fear of the Lord I share this word.

The Message

“I will not be mocked. I  set ambushes against those who will not yield, those who lead my people astray. Those who walk in deceit and corruption. I will not be mocked, neither personally nor corporately. Not by religious leaders nor by those who have come against my seven mountains. I will turn back the actions of mockers as I did in the days of Balaam. I will turn their curses into blessings. Their mockery will be their downfall.

I will not be mocked. Check your individual lifestyle and repent of any areas where I am a mockery. Cleanse and purify your heart. Then your prayers will impart miraculous power and authority in the spiritual battleground. The battle is the Lord’s, but the righteous praise of my remnant brings in and hosts my presence.

I will not be mocked. I have come to bring justice and righteousness. Do not despair and do not run and hide. This is the time to speak as I direct. Speak holy words, speak righteous decrees, walk uprightly, love truth, do not curse nor condemn those who do not see My truth. Rather, pray for them. Stand firm and see the deliverance of the Lord. Stay alert and in prayer, keep your oil lamps filled.

I will not be mocked. I will turn back on the enemy every attempt to overthrow My plan. Purge your heart, pray for the nations, be a vessel I can speak through. Be a watchman on my wall of righteousness.  I am always victorious.”

The Days of Balaam (Numbers 22-24)

In this story, a King (Balak) hired a sorcerer (Balaam) to speak curses against the nation of Israel. We know from scripture that sorcerers, psychics, and fortune tellers are Satan’s tools to deceive people into thinking we can know the future apart from our one true God. Only God knows the future; only God knows the purposes and plans for our lives and for the times we live in. But lies and deception are rampant from those who want to steer us off track.  Walk away. Seek truth from God, through His Holy Spirit.

Each time Balaam tried to speak curses over the nation of Israel, God put words of blessing in his mouth (Deuteronomy 23:5). The Lord said, “Balaam came to curse you, but I would not listen to Balaam, so I turned his curse into a blessing” (Nehemiah 13:2).

The Ambush of Mockery

After blessing the Israelites, Balaam advised the Israelites to worship idols and indulge in sexual immorality. They followed his ungodly and evil counsel for a season. We know what happens when we follow ungodly and evil counsel – the result is our downfall and we reap what we sow. God called the Israelites into battle against the Midianites, to rid their camp of false idols. Balaam died in that battle. God turned Balaam’s wickedness back on him. God’s plan is for the nation of Israel. His plan is toward those who love Him and walk in His ways. His plan is for righteousness, justice, and freedom to prevail. Don’t mess with God’s plan. He will not be mocked.

It was not by their sword that they won the land, nor did their arm bring them victory; it was your right hand, your arm, and the light of your face, for you loved them. Psalm 44:3


Mary Ethel Eckard is an author, speaker and teacher called to encourage Christians in their faith journey. She is passionate about sharing Christ with all who will listen. Through her captivating testimony of relying on God's strength and guidance through the heights and depths of life, Mary helps others find freedom from the shame and pain of their past. Mary resides in Frisco, Texas and enjoys spending time with family and friends.

©2024MaryEthelEckard | Crafted in ❤ by Anna Taylor