Category: Living Authentically


A Shaky Question

Can you identify the foundation of your life? What are your priorities? What are you building on? It’s a key question for steps forward. When our priorities are out of alignment, we will find our footing begins to slip.

Often we can start on what appears to be on steady  ground.  But when the winds and waves come, we find our foundation crumbles. Why is that? Because our life was built on things that can be destroyed.

Steadying the Platform

Because God is spirit, we worship and love and talk to Him with our spirit. We are spirit to spirit. His spirit is the greatest foundation we can build upon. Why? He is eternal, His love for us is eternal, and He will never disappoint us. When HE is our foundation, He will never crumble.

Things of this earth will crumble. Yes, relationships and careers and finances all have the potential to crumble. But HE will never crumble and His love for us will never crumble. He is a sure foundation.

In this category, you will read articles about the goodness of God. Stories written with vulnerability and authenticity. Blogs that share God’s love, wisdom, and goodness in life. Check us out!

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    Book Tour and Launch After publishing “The Making of a Dragonfly”, I spent three months traveling and promoting the book, making stops in Illinois, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Texas, and California. With the second book, “Lessons of a

  • There is a way to pull ourselves out of the pit of despair and grief. A way that takes courage and a strong will. The guidance that looks beyond our situation and sees from a higher realm. A path that turns our eyes from the ashes of loss to the beauty of life. Hear me. I know. A

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    God’s Dragonfly In my first book, “The Making of a Dragonfly”, I share life stories and challenges from the perspective of one who has walked through hardships holding the hand of God with a steadfast faith. My heart’s desire is to walk in obedience to my

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    Rejection wounded me as a young girl, and the fear of rejection accompanied me into almost every relationship afterward. This fear held me captive in an invisible cage where I hugged the sides and whimpered at the thought of escaping into the spacious world of friendships. My heart

©2024MaryEthelEckard | Crafted in ❤ by Anna Taylor