We serve a God who never loses a battle. He is victorious. Always. Though it appears we have no control over this invisible enemy, let me reassure you – we, as God’s children, have control in ways we do not realize. We have spiritual authority to defeat this enemy and we have weapons of worship and praise. Praise ushers in the presence and power of God into this war zone. Our hand is the symbol of strength and power, so we lift our hands in praise to our God and King. We extend our hand in praise, and we extend our hand in the battle.
Old Stories, Same Weapons
I awakened this morning with the Lord speaking, “Share stories from scripture of those who faced an invisible enemy – tell how they were victorious in the battle because they followed my leading.” He led me to the story of Joseph found in Genesis 37-50. (It is a great story – read it!)
Joseph was sold into slavery by his older brothers. Their jealousy and hatred toward Joseph resulted in his feet being shackled, his neck placed in irons, and – as he pleaded for his life – being carried to Egypt where he was imprisoned. (Genesis 37, Psalm 105:16-20, Genesis 42:21). Even in the midst of captivity, Joseph kept his focus on God and lived a life of praise and faith. He allowed God to develop his character as he waited on his deliverance from things he could not control. He yielded his life and his circumstances to God, knowing the One who brought him to Egypt knew the plan and purpose for the days ahead.
Joseph had two secrets that walked him through a situation in which he had no control. First, the secret of overcoming power is in the faith and character of a man. Second, the secret of developing and continually exhibiting faith and godly character are in God. Joseph walked in God’s ways, staying close to Him daily – even when imprisoned and falsely accused. As He placed his trust in God, doors were opened for him to advance to a role of leadership within the nation of Egypt, eventually saving them from death and famine.
Spiritual Weapons To Save Nations
Now God is calling us to save a nation – to remember that He is in control of our world, our lives, our situations. We are to honor Him with our lives, no matter the circumstances surrounding us.
The story of Joseph gives encouragement with these six things:
- Remember the hand of God in our lives – He is faithful and He will always be faithful. When we yield to Him, we allow Him to bring us into our purpose and destiny.
- Lift holy hands in praise. This is our weapon for defeating the invisible enemy. The enemy cannot be in the divine presence of God. Our praise brings God’s presence into our surroundings, our world.
- Use this time to increase in Christlike character. Read scripture, pray, invite the Holy Spirit to bring healing and correction into your spirit.
- Do not complain nor compromise. Rather, be an encouragement; seek those you can serve. Show love and kindness. Be the light of Christ in a world of fear and chaos.
- Stop trusting in man and seek God’s perspective. Man sows seeds of fear; God sows seeds of faith.
- Turn to God, wait for Him, and keep the faith. He is faithful and He will always be faithful.